Have you ever thought about who is behind the scenes when you have an x-ray or radiation treatment? Medical physicists are often the unsung heroes, who make sure high-tech equipment such as X-rays, MRIs, PET and other complex machines operate safely and effectively.
The professional body that supports medical physicists and provides professional training is called the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM).
When the College undertook a review and extensive updating of their training for ROMPs (radiation oncology medical physicists), DIMPs (diagnostic imaging medical physicists), and RPSs (radiation physical scientists), we were asked to design and produce the raw learning materials in a way that would be engaging, comprehensive and user-friendly. Based on engaging designs, we developed the full curriculum overview and training books for the three courses, loading them onto Flipsnack for easy access.
So what might have been dry, has been brought to life and helped busy professionals to undertake the training needed to achieve their respected certification.